EnergyLab Nordhavn is an urban innovation hub and epicenter for the energy technologies of tomorrow. The hub builds on Copenhagen’s power grid and district heating network, but also ventures far into the built environment and private dwellings to co-model and co-simulate these in order to unlock their flexibility potential. The living lab of EnergyLab Nordhavn has a unique agreement with local residents on smart metering data access from private homes, which can be combined with other accessible data on renewable energy production, local transformer stations, Nordpool prices and much more. The EnergyLab Nordhavn partners have developed and tested a number of solutions in Nordhavn that can be replicated and scaled.
New market designs and operation models. Co-creation of integrated energy solutions. technologies to couple power and heat networks. Stochastic modeling.
Testing demand response schemes in the built environment. Multi-energy testing. Solutions for the district heating network, heat recovery etc.
Real-time meters installed in private homes. Grid connected BESS. Prototype equipment related to ultralow temperature district heating, data sharing across energy infrastructures. Versatile heat pump installation.
Get in touch via email or phone to quickly identify the relevant partners for your task at hand.
Some services may be free of charge if they match the strategic interests of the partners in the living lab.
Other activities may be carried out by the university partner under procured research framework.