How we understand partnership

This program is a great opportunity to share our tools and knowledge, having a greater impact and accelerating the energy transition. We are looking for collaborations and partnerships across the EU to support the development of energy communities and enhance our solutions by covering new use cases.

What we offer offers SaaS tools to help PV self-consumption project stakeholders during the initial planning/simulation phase with accessible and easy-to-use services to create compelling proposals in very little time.
It includes:
- An interactive 3D editor to design installations in less time
- Visualization of local shadow projections
- Reports with 3D visualizations and interactive plots
- Precise simulations based on state-of-the art models and taking into account: irradiation, temperature, wind speed, horizon, I-V curves, inverter performance curves, MPPT operating range, string connections, hourly consumptions, losses...
- Inclusion of tariffs, taxes and local regulations
- Calculation of detailed energy balances, savings and amortization
- Automatic generation of different-oriented reports (end-customer, technical, legal...)
- Optimizations to maximize the impact of the dedicated resources
- Energy communities support

Pricing model

We have a usage-based pricing model but we are open to different pricing models with partners and key stakeholders.

What we offer in addition

We provide support and personal assistance together with webinars, guidelines, reference manuals and online tutorials.

We also offer individual service contracts for system integration, implementation of new features and customizations.

To finish, we are also interested in co-creation and partnership.

Selected Partner Contact

36208 Vigo

Clara Casas Castedo
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The Joint Programming Platfrom Smart Energy Systems receives funding from the European Union´s Horizont 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreements no. 646039, 775970 and 883973 .
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