Phoops would like to become a partner of the ERA-Net JPP SES Digital Platform Provider programme to enlarge its contacts’ network relying on the efficient management structure proposed by the programme. Phoops’ participation as partner will surely increase its range of opportunity to participate in joint calls in the energy field helping phoops to affirm its position and expertise at least at the European level. Furthermore, phoops'' participation to the programme is of extreme importance for the continuous development and improvement of its Software as a service platform. Cooperating with future potential partners will provide phoops with an opportunity to grow and to increase the stability of its products.
Phoops offers BriX, a modular and scalable micro-service platform that supports the addition and removal of different types of functionalities to satisfy specific needs according to the available use case. Phoops proposes BriX through SaaS logic - Software as a Service. Our offering includes the source code of libraries or utilities that can be of general interest; executable package with interface (see as an example our mobile Apps, generally free for use by the end-user) and executable package with interfaces against remuneration. Furthermore, phoops is also available for counseling services in its expertise fields and can assist its partners/customers also in the design and development phases of a specific solution.
The price model for the solutions, services and packages indicated above is generally to be considered as pay per use. However, some of the solutions developed by phoops include a mobile App (compatible with Android and iOS systems) that is completely free for the end-users.
Phoops'' core product is BriX, a modular and scalable micro-service platform with a high capability to adapt to some specific use cases. This is also due to the fact that phoops accompanies its customers and partners from the very project design and analysis phase offering its previous experience and specific knowhow in the sector in which it is already active.
Furthermore, phoops assists the final customers in implementing design-solutions facilitating the usability of its products. Last but not least, phoops is also committed to offer specific training to the end-users according to the desired needs.