How we understand partnership
By partnering with the ERA-Net JPP SES as a Digital Platform Provider, FlexShape expects greater visibility and access to a wide range of potential partners and customers. Additionally, FlexShape wants to demonstrate its technology in large real-world settings in collaboration with key energy sector players. FlexShape is already a partner in a number of Horizon 2020 and Danish collaborative projects with key energy players like TSOs, DSOs, BRPs, industrial/commercial/public and residential Prosumers. JPP SES allows FlexShape to scale and grow its partner base and products.
What we offer
FlexShape offers a set of tools to utilize available energy flexibility. These include smart energy forecasting, aggregation, optimization and trading based on Big Data, IoT, Machine learning/AI, and blockchain.
- Aggregator-as-a-Service: A solution for aggregators and prosumers that supports easy and scalable aggregation and management of flexible loads.
- Solar Predictor: A solution for individual Photovoltaic (PV) producers and system integrators looking for easy-to-use tool for predicting PV supply.
- Battery MPC Controller: A tool for optimizing physical systems using Model-Predictive-Control (MPC) techniques.
- Energy Planner: A recommendation and automation engine, primarily targeting residential users that helps users to use green energy.
- Flexibility Market: A blockchain-based implementation of a flexibility market on top of Hyperledger SawTooth.
- Self-Consumption
- level: business application
- interfaces: Web APP, Mobile APP
(+ physical units below)
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 8, MRL: 6
- DR/load balancing, CO2 optimization, peak shaving
- level: business application
- interfaces: Web APP, Mobile APP
(+ physical units below)
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 8, MRL: 6
- battery control, flexibility trading
- level: business application
- interfaces: Web APP
(+ physical units below)
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 7, MRL: 6
- Interactive System Modeling
- level: high level services
- interfaces: Web APP
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 7, MRL: 6
- Real-Time Monitoring & Visualization
- level: high level services
- interfaces: Grafana, Web APP
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 7, MRL: 6
- Load sharing in communities
- level: high level services
- interfaces: Mobile APP
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 8, MRL: 6
- SolarPredictor
- level: domain specific enabler
- interfaces: Web APP, OpenWeatherMap
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 8, MRL: 6
- Energy Planner
- level: domain specific enabler
- interfaces: Mobile APP
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 8, MRL: 6
- Energy data sources
- level: domain specific enabler
- interfaces: Web APP,
NordPool, EnergiNET
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 7, MRL: 6
- Load controllers & predictors
- level: domain specific enabler
- interfaces: Web APP
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 7, MRL: 6
- Battery, heat-pump (MPC) models
- level: domain specific enabler
- interfaces: Web APP
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 7, MRL: 6
- Modelica models (simulation & optimization)
- level: generic enabler
- interfaces: Web APP,
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 7, MRL: 6
- Fuctional Mock-up Units
- level: generic enabler
- interfaces: Web APP, Functional Mockup Interface
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 7, MRL: 6
- Groups (encapsulation, aggregation),
- level: generic enabler
- interfaces: Web APP
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 7, MRL: 6
- Smart-plugs, PLCs, ...
- level: physical component
- interfaces: TP-Link Cloud, Azure IoT Hub, ...
- provision: software as a service
- TRL: 8, MRL: 6
Pricing model
Freemium for residential end-users: Energy Planner, Solar Predictor, Aggregator-as-a-Service (basic features): Percentage of earnings/savings for advanced optimization and trading features;
Commercial flexibility providers (industrial, buildings, ...): volume based licence fee or percentage of earnings/savings;
Energy companies (utilities, aggregators, ...): volume based licence fee or percentage of earnings/savings;
Custom configuration and development: hourly rate with bulk discounts.
Overall: Significant discounts for ERA-Net JPP SES
What we offer in addition
direct "on-site" support, webinars, courses, videos, web support, manuals