Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) call launch

The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) will officially launch its first call in September 2022! 

This joint call will include eleven thematic modules. The call module from the CETPartnership Transition Initiative 5 (TRI5) will be on the topic of integrated regional and local energy systems, that make it possible to efficiently provide, host and utilize high shares of renewables. This call module targets projects driven by local and regional need-owners that collaborate in close con-nection with relevant research organisations as well as solution providers from public and private sector to meet the individual regional and local requirements.
An estimated total budget of over 100 million euros will be made available to boost and accelerate the energy transition. 

The call will be launched on 13 September 2022 more information will be available soon!

Click here to download the CETPartnership flyer. 
Click here to download the CETPartnership info presentation: on pages 21/22 you can see which countries and funding agencies are planning to provide funding for their national stakehold-ers for the different TRIs – and particularly for TRI 5 - in the Call 2022.
More information on the call will soon be available at: Calls | CET Partnership

The CETPartnership aims to empower the clean energy transition and contribute to the EU’s goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, by pooling 70 national and regional RDTI fund-ing for a broad variety of technologies and system solutions required to make the transition. 
The CETPartnership comprises the following 7 Transition Initiatives (TRIs):
TRI 1: Integrated Net-zero-emissions Energy System
TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies
TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCS (Carbon Cap-ture and Storage) and CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilisation)
TRI 4: Efficient zero emission Heating and Cooling Solutions
TRI 5: Integrated Regional Energy Systems
TRI 6: Integrated Industrial Energy Systems
TRI 7: Integration in the Built Environment
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