Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems Conference 2021 - Results

From 23 to 25 November 2021 high level speakers from funding networks, the academia, industry and the European Commission shared ambitions and solutions at the Joint Programming Conference 2021 Smart Energy systems. 
On this page you can get a glimpse into the results and watch the session recordings. Please find the slides of the online-event on expera (if you are not a member yet, you can register for free).
Conference agenda
The conference announcement and detailed agenda are available here.  
Policy Conference 23 November 2021:
Together with JPP SES actors, supporters and partners we took a look back: What has happened in the last six years of JPP SES? What was achieved? What lessons can we learn? Future perspectives like the development of the Clean Energy Transition Partnership, the cooperation with the National Stakeholder Coordination Group on smart energy systems and the creation of the Project Chain Programme were part of this first day too.
Watch the recording of the morning session: 
You can watch the whole video by clicking on the screen below, if you would like to watch single sections, please visit the video on YouTube, click below on the bottom on "show more”.

This video documents the first sessions of the Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems Conference 2021. Moderated by Ludwig Karg (B.A.U.M. Consult, JPP SES Support Team) JPP SES actors, supporters and partners looked back: What has happened in the last six years of JPP SES? What was achieved? What lessons can we learn? This was followed by the presentation of the National Stakeholder Coordination Group (NSCG) and a discussion on how to optimally tackle EU-wide and global challenges.

Watch the recording of the afternoon session:   
You can watch the whole video by clicking on the screen below, if you would like to watch single sections, please visit the video on YouTube, click below on the bottom on "show more”.

This video documents the second half of the first day of the Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems Conference 2021. Moderated by Julia Chenut and Ludwig Karg (B.A.U.M. Consult, JPP SES Support Team) this session discussed Project Chains Programmes. After very interesting key notes by Hélène Chraye, Directorate-General for Research & Innovation, Head of Unit Clean Energy Transition, European Commission, various expert panellists presented their work and opinions.


Results Status Conference 24 November 2021:
The Status Conference dug deep into the achievements and contributions of JPP SES projects: projects partner pitches where commented and received feedback from expert. Participants then joined 15 project sessions to hear about the results and find new opportunities of cooperation. In the afternoon they could join the working group meetings of the Knowledge Community.


Watch the recording of the morning session: 
You can watch the whole video by clicking on the screen below, if you would like to watch single sections, please visit the video on YouTube, click below on the bottom on "show more”.
This video documents the morning of the second day of the Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems Conference 2021. Moderated by Julia Chenut (B.A.U.M. Consult, JPP SES Support Team) the audience was part in an interesting coordinator´s welcome. Furthermore the Status Conference dug deep into the achievements and contributions of JPP SES projects. Alisa Utz presented the projects´ results, Working Group Approach and Activities and the Spotlights 2021.

Results Family of Projects meeting 25 November 2021:

The last day of our JPP SES Conference 2021 was reserved for our projects. New approaches for knowledge generation have been co-created in small groups, applying interactive design thinking. Later, our projects shared best-practices and success stories and measures to improve in project communication.


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The Joint Programming Platfrom Smart Energy Systems receives funding from the European Union´s Horizont 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreements no. 646039, 775970 and 883973 .
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