We are happy to announce that the Joint Call 2021 from the Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems (JPP SES), in cooperation with the ERA-Net GEOTHERMICA, will be launched on 31 May 2021! Also, please save the date for the online call launch and matchmaking event on 09 June 2021, from 15:00 17:30 CEST.
The Joint Call will address the topic:
"Accelerating the heating and cooling transition”.
Fifty per cent of Europe’s energy demand is for heating, and the demand for cooling is increasing year on year. ERA-Net JPP SES, the Joint programming platform initiative and ERA-NET GEOTHERMICA join forces to accelerate the heating and cooling transition, enabling 100% climate-neutral heating and cooling by 2050. This requires innovation and demonstration for heating and cooling technologies and their integration into the regional and local energy system. The challenge is urgent! Typical solutions should be ready for large-scale implementation in 2030 or earlier because the transition needs to start in all countries and regions.
The Joint Call fosters the integration of existing technology as well as technology development. Joining projects should develop innovative solutions or new concepts for one or more of the following challenges:
- Climate-neutral resources for heating and cooling, including subsurface (shallow and deep geothermal, solar thermal, and other sources of renewable heating and cooling) and utilisation of local and regional excess resources.
- A resource-efficient and sustainable distribution, storage and utilisation of heating and cooling. This includes short time and seasonal thermal storage options, and innovations for heating and cooling networks, and conversion technologies such as heat pumps to distribute the heating and cooling and adjust the temperature level where needed.
- Integration of heating and cooling in the local and regional energy systems, including aspects of sector coupling, smart integration and control tools which shall leverage synergies and utilise flexibilities in locally and regionally available energy sources, the local and regional infrastructures as well as the user and consumer structures from different sectors (including, e. g. communities, industrial facilities, or the transportation system) and related consumption patterns.
The GEOTHERMICA Office is coordinating the joint call.