On 20 November ERA-Net SES participated in the "National Energy Research and Policy Conference" hosted by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) along with its parent Department - the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE) in Dublin, Ireland. ERA-Net SES held a session called "Let's collaborate!" - Participants were able to learn about future funding opportunities, networking and scoping for multinational RDD projects on digital transformation of the energy system. Please find the presentation slides here for download.
The representatives of ERA-Net SES' 30 funding agencies, the ERA-Net SES Coordination Team and ERA-Net SES Knowledge Community timed their biannual meetings, so we could hold a session at the "National Energy Research & Policy Conference” hosted by the SEAI along with its parent Department DCCAE. The purpose of this national conference was to facilitate the discussion on the role of energy research and policy in the achievement of Ireland’s long term clean energy goals. It aimed to ensure that energy policy development and implementation is informed by the best scientific advice possible, and that researchers are aware of current and future energy policy priorities. Speakers included policy-makers, researchers and key industry representatives.
ERA-Net SES hosted a session called "Let's collaborate" during the National Energy Research & Policy Conference from 16:15-18:00 on the digital transformation of the energy system. The session was moderated by Ludwig Karg, ERA-Net SES Knowledge Community Management, followed by a workshop moderated by Morag Clark (SCOTENT).
Benefits of the multilateral Joint Programming Platform for SMEs, Research Institutes, Need Owners
The session started with a presentation by Dr. Lucy Corcoran (SEAI) introducing SEAI's energy research activities, and its role leading and coordinating energy research funding in Ireland. She explained further the concept of the Joint Programming Platform ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems, its focus initiatives, the Knowledge Community and the Associated Partners approach.
Figure: Dr. Lucy Corcoran (SEAI) presenting "Benefits of the multilateral Joint Programming Platform for SMEs, Research Institutes, Need Owners"
Key Notes: Unleashing the potential of digitalisation and the energy transition
Afterwards, Dr. Susan Rea (CIT) and Dr. Alan Mc Gibney (CIT) held a key note with the title "Unleashing the potential of digitalisation and the energy transition". Dr. Rea mentioned in her presentation amongst others the role of digitalisation as the revolutionary enabler and the focus of the European and National level energy policy towards decarbonising the energy system through promoting Energy Communities. Dr. Gibney turned in his key note to the question "How digitalization can help to accelerate Energy Transition" by focusing on energy efficiency, on integrating renewables for flexibility & reliability and on collaboration to drive innovation. He proposed to set research priorities.
Figure: Dr. Susan Rea (CIT) (left) and Dr. Alan Mc Gibney (CIT) (right) presenting key notes on "Unleashing the potential of digitalisation and the energy transition"
Cooperation between applying and funded projects, funding agencies and potential associated partners
Fredrik Lundström (SWEA, ERA-Net SES Call Management) presented the ERA-Net SES approach since 2015, and the objectives, goals and activities for the upcoming focus area "Digitalisation and Digital Transformation of the Energy System". Further, he presented how the dialogue on digital transformation will be developed.
Afterwards, a moderated session with ERA-Net SES project partners, Niall Conway, REDAP project; Fabiano Pallonetto, EV CHIP project; Aoife McCarthy, PIGergy project , funded by SEAI under the focus initiative RegSys presented their projects and the benefit they see with being part of the ERA-Net SES Joint Programming Partnership. Further, Bradley ECK (IBM) joined the discussion as industry representative.

Figure: (f.l.t.r.) Ludwig Karg, ERA-Net SES Knowledge Community Management and ERA-Net SES project partners: Niall Conway, REDAP project; Fabiano Pallonetto, EV CHIP project; Aoife McCarthy, PIGergy project
Co-Creation Workshop: Future RDI topics in the field of digital transformation and energy systems
In the aftermath, a workshop took place moderated by Morag Clark (SCOTENT) in which small groups were deriving key challenges and opportunities for the following domains:
- Technical operation: ICT support for automation and technical control of grid, generation, consumption and storage devices
- Market operation: ICT based platforms and transaction mechanisms to trade energy, power and flexibilities
- Business operation: innovative ICT means for managing the businesses of system operators and utilities
- Communication: apps and web based tools to inform and integrate consumers in the future energy system
Figure: Co-Creation Workshop: Future RDI topics in the field of digital transformation and energy systems