Malmö | First ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus Scoping Workshop

On October 28, 2015, the first ERA-Net SG+ Scoping Workshop took place in Malmö, Sweden. Its purpose was to explore elements of a scope for a second ERA-Net SG+ call. To this end, experts were invited to present the current research gaps within the focus area "Storage and cross energy carrier synergies”. 

ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus (SG+) plans to implement a 2nd call for R&D projects in 2016, after having closed the first call successfully this year. The Scoping Workshop 2015 that took place in Malmö on October 25 was to provide input for the scoping of that 2nd ERA-Net SG+ call. 
Michael Hübner (Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology), coordinator of the ERA-Net SG+ Initiative, pointed out that the purpose of such a scoping workshop - next to identifiying potential RTD targets and topics for a second ERA-Net SG+ call - is to build up a network and outreach to new partners for the ERA-Net SG+ initiative. He emphasised the intention to hold a scoping workshop every year.

Opening remarks were held by Michele de Nigris (RSE), deputy project manager of the ERA-Net SG+ Support Team, who pointed at the three layer model of the ERA-Net SG+ initiative. He briefly presented a gap analysis document as the basis for the workshop. Afterwards, six international experts presented their current projects and research as well as their views on what the main research gaps in the field of Smart Grids and especially regarding storage and cross energy carrier synergies are. In their contributions they always took into account all three ERA-Net SG+ layers, technology, market and adoption.

The experts covered the following topics in their presentations: 
All experts agreed that there is still much need to research interaction with and involvement of final users and end consumers. Also, the necessity of a holistic concept of the energy system within research as well as the adaption of the market and regulatory framework were stressed. Further important topics were the research of different usage areas for storage (storage as a service for final users / as a grid service / as capacity contribution for network security etc.), standardisation issues and ICT / data management and security.  
The second half of the workshop was used for discussing the experts’ input, but also to complete the extensive gap analysis. The conclusions from the discussion were that the scope of the second call should take the final user into the centre and adopt a much more holistic perspective. All in all, it was agreed that there needs to be further discussion and exchange to define the scope of a potential second ERA-Net SG+ call. 

Report Download

Download the draft of the Scoping Workshop Report from our website.

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