Taskforce Energy Communities Meeting

ERA-Net SES facilitates the exchange between experts in the field of smart energy systems. In addition to our virtual Working Group meetings, a Taskforce on Energy Communities will discuss this cross-cutting topic of high interest. Join the meeting for fruitful exchange.

Experts in the field of smart energy systems are highly welcome to register and

Starting with the JPP SES Status Conference, we introduced an advanced element for cooperation within the international smart energy innovation world. The Working Groups relate the approaches and findings from ERA-Net SES funded projects to the research and innovation activities outside our own eco-system. To that end, during several meetings, Working Group members have selected relevant "reference documents", e.g. studies and added their perspective in shared discussion documents.

The outcome of this process will be Spotlights and Policy Briefs that outline key supporting or deviating ERA-Net SES findings and our contributions to national and international research, development and innovation. Due to the great interest of the topic "Energy Communities" which was discussed in several Working Groups, a Taskforce meeting will be held. Register here in order to discuss this cross-cutting topic.



To participate in the meeting, please register by clicking the registration button on the left.

Preparatory tasks

To prepare for a fruitful discussion in the Taskforce Energy Communities, please make sure you are a registered member of the expera platform and write to us to receive access to the Taskforce workspace.

On the Taksforce’s workspace, dedicate some time to review the current status of the work and add your own (and your consortium’s) thoughts. In the workspace, you can find

  • The relevant reference documents dealing with Energy Communities
  • Perspectives of ERA-Net SES projects from all Working Groups which discussed Energy Communities
  • A discussion document where you can add your perspective

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The Joint Programming Platfrom Smart Energy Systems receives funding from the European Union´s Horizont 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreements no. 646039, 775970 and 883973 .
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