From May 22 – 25, 2018, ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems (ERA-Net SES) is co-organising a series of events at the Nordic Clean Energy Week (NCEW) in Malmö, Sweden, including the launch of the new funding call for Research and Innovation projects, networking and co-creation sessions as well as meetings of its Knowledge Community Working Groups.
About the Event
Besides hosting the Ninth Clean Energy Ministerial and Third Mission Innovation Ministerial, the NCEW will feature a variety of interesting workshops and round tables on accelerating the transition to a smart and sustainable energy system bringing together high-level decision makers, as well as researchers, business and industry representatives, investors and funding partners.
Register now for the ERA-Net SES events and
- learn about our most recent funding opportunities,
- meet potential partners for your Research, Development and Innovation-projects,
- get to know our new focus area on Integrated Regional Energy Systems,
- get involved in our Knowledge Community,
- share and exchange your insights with other experts from the Smart Energy domain, and
- get in touch with stakeholders on what are needs, opportunities and barriers for smart energy systems at the regional level!
NCEW: Malmö, Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark
Studio, Nordenskiöldsgatan 24, 211 19 Malmö
Events in Malmö, Sweden, May 22-25, 2018

Time Schedules
Find here more information including agendas of the single events
ERA-Net SES Steering Board Meeting (closed event), May 24, 10:00-17:00 & May 25, 09:00-14:00, Quality Hotel
ERA-Net SES Associated Partners Meeting (closed event), May 23, from 10:00, High Court, Entré 3
Registration for our public events has now opened and is free of charge! Due to a limited number of seats, a first-come-first-serve policy is in place for registrations. Please click on the green registration button at the left to register!