Solar power for a competitive European industry, multifunctional buildings and infrastructures, and smart energy systems
Below you can find the initial event announcement.
May 16, 2019 in Munich in the framework of Intersolar Europe: an event co-organized by SOLAR-ERA.NET and ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems, that will feature a variety of interesting presentations and workshops on accelerating the transition to a smart and sustainable energy system with smart solar power in Europe.
About the Event – Why participate?
SOLAR-ERA.NET and ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems will launch Joint Calls in autumn 2019. The event is an opportunity for the research and development community, industry representatives, investors and funding partners to meet and work together on transnational level and create added value on the topic of Smart Solar Power in Europe. The aim is to foster trans¬national cooperation with complementary skills, equipment and facilities, along the value chain from research to industry and to increase the reach out to the different markets in Europe and beyond. Both networks bring together R&D and innovation programmes across Europe and have so far supported some 100 transnational projects involving some 500 organisations in Europe. The event will feature a variety of interesting presentations and workshops on accelerating the transition to a smart and sustainable energy system with smart solar power in Europe. The event is a public side event at the Intersolar Europe.
What to expect
Register now for the event and
- Learn about the funding opportunities provided by SOLAR-ERA.NET and ERA-Net SES
- Get insight into cornerstones of the EC Strategic Energy Technology Plan for solar power and smart energy systems and the new legal framework for Local Energy Communities
- Exchange with potential project partners and representatives from national funding agencies
- Explore topics and build new consortia in view of the upcoming Joint Calls
- Identify success factors based on the experience and lessons learnt within projects supported by SOLAR-ERA.NET and ERA-Net SES
Take a look at the full workshop description in our event brochure (
here). Please note all scheduled times refer to CEST.
09:45 - 10:15 |
Registration and Welcome Coffee |
10:15 - 12:00 |
Plenary Session |
Session 1:
Trends, opportunities and success factors for transnational cooperation and projects
With key notes by
- Christoph Hünnekes (Head of Photovoltaics, Project Management Jülich, Germany; Chair of the Implementation Working Group PV to the PV Implementation Plan within the Integrated SET Plan)
- Peter Droege (Director of Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development and President of Eurosolar)
- Stefan Nowak (Managing Director NET Nowak Energy & Technology, Coordinator of SOLAR-ERA.NET)
- Michael Hübner (Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Austria; Chair of the Member States Working Group on Energy Systems and Networks for setting up the Implementation Plans within the Integrated SET Plan; Coordinator of ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems)
Session 2:
Paving the way to innovative and successful transnational projects
With presentations by
- Stephan Abermann (Head of Competence Unit Photovoltaic Systems, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)
- Alejandro Perez-Rodriguez (Head of Solar Energy Materials & Systems Group, IREC- Catalonia Institute for Energy Research)
- Pierre-Jean Alet (Section Head / Senior Expert PV-center, CSEM, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
- Dieter Geyer (Scientist and Project Manager, PV Modules Systems Applications, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW), Germany)
- Bart Geerligs (Senior scientist specialist, TNO, The Netherlands)
- Ludwig Karg (B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, Germany; ERA-Net SES Knowledge Community)
12:00 - 13:00 |
Light Lunch |
13:00 - 15:00 |
Parallel Workshops |
Workshop 1:
Advanced industrial PV technologies / Emerging PV technologies
Workshop 2:
PV integration in buildings and infrastructures
Workshop 3:
Solar power in smart local energy systems |
15:00 - 15:30 |
Coffee Break and B2B Meetings |
15:30 – 16:00 |
Conclusions of the Day |
Optionally |
B2B Meetings |
SOLAR-ERA.NET is a network bringing together more than 20 RTD and innovation programmes in the field of solar electricity technologies in the European Research Area. The network of national and regional funding organizations has been established in order to increase transnational cooperation between RTD and innovation programmes and to contribute to achieving the objectives of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) through dedicated transnational activities. Find more information on SOLAR-ERA.Net
ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems (ERA-Net SES) is a joint programming platform of owners and managers from 30 national and regional public funding programmes in the field of research, technical development and demonstration from 23 countries. It initiates and finances transnational RDD projects in thematic areas like smart power grids, regional and local energy systems, heating and cooling networks, digital services, etc. The platform is providing a knowledge community, where experts meet in workshops, webinars and on the tailor-made digital knowledge platform
expera. In the knowledge community more than 30 projects closely cooperate with partners from industry, network and infra-structure providers, research and academia as well as regions and cities, dealing with technology, market and adoption. Together with associated partners from regional business and government, the start-up and SME sector, additional financers and funders as well as ICT providers, the joint programming platform provides an innovation eco-system, building bridges in the whole innovation chain. Find more information
ICM-Internationales Congress Center Munich,
Adresse: Am Messesee, 81829 Munich, Germany

The access to the event is signposted from the main entrance on (see detailed location plan in full agenda here).
Registration for our public event has now opened and is free of charge! Due to a limited number of seats, a first-come-first-serve policy is in place for registrations. Please click on the green registration button at the left to register until 13.05.2019!
If you wish to share your project ideas for the workshops upfront, please fill in the template provided (
here) and send it to latest by 13 May 2019.
For any further information, please contact:
Event organizer and documents
Daniel Ruiz Iruela
Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), Agencia Estatal de Investigación AEI - Spain
Event registration
ERA-Net SES Support Team