On October 9 the annual Family of Projects Event took place in Namur, Belgium. The event entailed amongst others interactive project pitches, peer-to-peer feedback, welcoming of selected projects of the Joint Call 2018 on integrated, regional energy systems, a communication workshop and co-creation on a shared vision. Please find the full documentation of the Family of Projects Meeting here. If you are interested in the event review of the full JPP Smart Energy Systems Conference, please take a look at the event review here.
The Family of Projects meeting was a successful get-together with many opportunities to get to know peer project partners, to exchange on recent results and to learn from each other's research approaches. It has been a pleasure to welcome 29 projects from 4 ERA-Net SES calls to the ERA-Net SES Family of Projects Meeting at La Bourse in Namur, Belgium. With kind support by ERA-Net SES Funding Partner SPW - Public Service of Wallonia (Service public de Wallonie) an enriching Family Meeting was held. The Family of Projects Meeting was held in the framework of the JPP Smart Energy Systems Conference 2019.
Picture: Group picture of ERA-Net SES Knowledge Community Meeting
Working Dinner
During the working dinner, experts exchanged beyond working group borders and expanded the ERA-Net SES puzzle by adding a piece for each new ERA-Net SES project. The results were presented on 9 October to introduce the new projects of the Joint Call 2018 on integrated, regional energy systems.
Picture: Group work during Working Dinner
Picture: Group work during Working Dinner
News from JPP ERA-Net SES and Participation Possibilities
In the morning of 9th October Ludwig Karg (Knowledge Community Management) opened the session. Especially for new projects, Ludwig Karg explained the annual reporting approach and reporting periods and international. Furthermore, Fredrik Lundström (ERA-Net SES Call Management) and Michael Hübner (ERA-Net SES Coordinator) presented amongst others focus initiatives Smart Grids Plus, Regional Systems, as well as the recently launched Joint Call 2019 on storage solutions (MICall19).
Picture: Michael Hübner (right, ERA-Net SES Coordinator) and Fredrik Lundström (left, ERA-Net SES Call Management)
Communication Workshop
Tiina Laiho (ERA-Net SES Support Team) gave a short input on the importance of communication. Then, Tiina Laiho and Pia Saari (ERA-Net SES Support Team) facilitated interactive group work on communication aspects which projects come across or must address during their runtime.
Picture: Tiina Laiho (ERA-Net SES Support Team) moderating the interactive communication workshop (group1)

Picture: Pia Saari (ERA-Net SES Support Team) moderating the interactive communication workshop (group 2)
Building Bridges Between Old and New Projects
All represented RegSys projects pitched their project with a help of a picture on a puzzle piece which had been drawn at the Working Dinner. An overview of open questions and barriers on one side and experience the project can offer on the other side was also presented by all attending projects. A blackboard with the projects' "seek&offers" enabled exchange and future cooperation among projects.

Picture: Discussions at the blackboard – identifying collaboration opportunities.
Picture: Discussions at the blackboard – identifying collaboration opportunities.
Peer-2-peer feedback in Working Groups
During the Working Groups peer-to-peer feedback was enabled among projects and experts in the field.

Picture: Peer-to-peer feedback session during Working Group
Co-Creating a Shared Vision of ERA-Net SES
What does ERA-Net SES mean to you? In order to shape a common understanding among projects, the project members were asked to contribute three words describing ERA-Net SES via a live poll tool. Further, a joint vision was created.

Picture: Word cloud describing ERA-Net SES from project members’ perspectives