Purpose of the side event "Joint Programming Event and Pilot Multilateral MICall19 Workshop"
The side-event to the
Fourth Mission Innovation (MI) Ministerial, Canada on May 27, brought together around 100 public funding partners from around the world to discuss opportunities for multilateral collaboration. The event consisted of two parts, a
joint programming event with plenary sessions in which representatives of interested MI countries and their funding institutions gathered in order to join the core group that has started to prepare for the first Mission Innovation multilateral call (MICall19). The call for R&D projects will be launched in autumn 2019. Afterwards a
co-creation and matchmaking event took place, in which first project ideas were developed. The side-event, as a first meeting of the initiative for the pilot MICall2019, aimed to set the grounds for a learning environment to gain experiences on which further MI development and decisions can be based.
Find the the following information here:
Representatives from Morocco, Austria, India, Sweden, Germany and China, just having committed to form a core group to prepare the first multilateral call for RDD projects within the framework of Mission Innovation (MICall19)
Opportunities were highlighted to close gaps in the innovation chain by connecting different networks and initiatives on a joint programming platform (JPP). Furthermore, first matchmaking possibilities among researchers and companies in cooperation with the Mission Innovation (MI) Innovation Challenges were provided.
Participants gained deep-dive insight in JPPs, an innovative multilateral collaborative funding mechanism facilitating global cooperation in R&D projects. This public-public-private partnership format enables the initiation and joint funding of applied, collaborative R&D projects.
The discussed approach is based on the development and results of the Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems (JPP SES (also ERA-Net SES)). This initiative started in 2014, based on former experiences from the European network ERA-Net Smart Grids, in order to establish a sustainable multilateral collaboration platform for public funding programs. Starting with a group of European Countries, its original intention was to expand its activities beyond Europe at some point. Mission Innovation is an ideal environment to take this next step in order to develop a global collaboration platform for public funders. MICall19 is an opportunity for Mission Innovation countries to jump on a successful ongoing activity, delivering quick results and gaining collective experience and learnings.
Plenary Session
9:00 |
SCHÄDLER, Ingolf, Deputy Director General Innovation and Technology, Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and
ANDRÉN, Robert, Director-General, Swedish Energy Agency, Vice Chair MI Steering Committee
9:10 |
Signing Ceremony
MI Core Group of Countries Committed to Prepare the First Multilateral Call for Research and Development Projects "MICall19” |
9:20 |
Governance Panel
Key-Notes from panellists
- China: WANG, Yibo , Chinese Academy Of Science
- India: BAJPAI, Sanjay, Head Technology Mission Division (Energy, Water & All others), Government of India
- Morocco: RABBAH, Aziz, Minister of Transportation and Equipment
- Austria: VOGEL, Theresia, Managing Director, Climate and Energy Fund of the Austrian Federal Government
- Sweden: BAHR LJUNGDELL, Josephine, Director of International Affairs, Swedish Energy Agency
- Germany: VACH, Peter, Policy Officer, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
- Canada: TUCK, Adam, National Research Council Canada
- World: SCHULTZ, Seth, Urban Breakthroughs, Global Covenant of Mayors on Science & Innovation
MICall19 and the Joint Programming Platform (JPP)
CLARK, Morag, Scottish Enterprise, JPP Smart Energy Systems Coordination Team
El MRABET, Rachid, Institut de Recherche en Énergie Solaire et Énergies Nouvelles (IRESEN)
Panel Discussion:
Cooperation Challenges, Benefits and Opportunities. Why? How? Who?
10:30 |
Stakeholder Panel
Pitches on Industry Positions
- Canada: Yehia Madkour, LEED AP BD+C
- Finland: Jan Segerstam, Empower IM Oy
- Finland: Tuula Mäkinen, Vice President, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
- Austria: Christian Holter, Solid GmbH
- Sweden: Jonas Eklind, CEO and president Azelio AB
Panel Discussion: What are we working on? What are our expectations on public-private-partnerships? How can we collaborate in the Mission Innovation framework? |
11:00 |
Vision and Expectations on Multilateral Programming within Mission Innovation
Robert Andrén, Vice Chair MI Steering Committee |
Co-Creation and Matchmaking Workshop
11:15 |
Co-Creation and Matchmaking Workshop
Introduction to matchmaking and interaction workshop and moderation:
Ludwig Karg and Laura Börner, B.A.U.M. Consult, ERA-Net SES Knowledge Community
11:30 |
It’s not only a game – it’s a game changer: moderated interaction in small groups on MICall19 topics:
- IC1- Smart Grids (chair: Lucciano Martini, RSE Italy and Yibo Wang, Chinese Academy Of Science, co-moderator: Helfried Brunner, Austrian Institute of Technology)
- IC2 – Offgrid Solutions (co-moderator: Laura Börner, JPP SES Knowledge Community)
- IC5 – Converting Sunlight (chair: Peter Vach, Policy Officer, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, co-moderator: Rachid El Mrabet, IRESEN - Institut de Recherche en Énergie Solaire et Énergies Nouvelles, Morocco)
- IC6 - Clean Energy Materials (chair: Hermann Tribukait (tbc); co-moderator: Morag Clark, Scottish Enterprise)
- IC7 - Heating and Cooling of Buildings (chair: Emina Pasic, Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden; co-moderator: Hemma Bieser, avantsmart)
- IC8 - Renewable and clean hydrogen (chair: Geert Tjarks, NOW GmbH; co-moderator: Elvira Lutter, Austrian Climate and Energy Fund)
12:55 |
Wrap-up and invitation to bilateral follow-up in the afternoon |
13:00 |
Lunch |
Working Meeting for Funding Partners and Bilateral Matchmaking for Stakeholders
15:00 |
Setting the scene:
- scheduling b2b meetings for stakeholders
- define agenda for working group of MICall19 funding partners
until 17:00* |
Bilateral meetings for stakeholders & Working meeting for MICall19 funding partners |
Plenary Session
During the plenary session the initiative’s pilot multilateral call and first global Mission Innovation call for collaborative RDI projects (research and industry), was pre-announced and the JPP model presented. The call will be launched in September 2019. The vision of the initiative is to be able to present a prototype for a multilateral funding collaboration mechanism and a first set of jointly financed MI projects at MI#5 in Chile in Spring 2020. The concept includes a distinguished process for initiating, jointly financing and monitoring these projects. Furthermore, it integrates a model for forming an active knowledge community of families of projects, together with associated partners from regional business clusters, need owners and technology adopters. With the associated partner model, the platform has also started to develop a mechanism to involve additional funds and financers in order to help closing the gap from research and development towards market introduction.
These processes and models have been developed and refined within the established structures, procedures and resources of the Joint Programming Platform ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems (JPP SES).
Co-Creation and Matchmaking Workshop
The co-creation and matchmaking workshop offered the opportunity of a first matchmaking for MI-IC participants and stakeholders from industry and research, representatives of interested MI countries and their funding institutions. In preparation of the multilateral call, the co-creation session invited representatives of need owners such as communities or infrastructure operators to voice their needs and requirements for future energy technology from a user perspective. Afterwards, the participants started creating ideas for multilateral projects related to the Mission Innovation Challenges considering the user needs. A fruitful discussion took place in the small groups separated by Mission Innovation Challenges. In total 9 project ideas have been created. There have been two project ideas on mobile storage, for instance on the topic of "assessment of H2 generation and potential saving for mobiles”. There have been three contributions on innovative storage technologies, with topics such as "how to link hydrogen to mobility” or "sustainable energy storage solutions for developing countries”. Further, there has been one contribution on building as storage focusing for instance "making use of an energy surplus with peer-to-peer connections in neighbourhoods and how to approach the storage question - for instance with active storage, geothermal storage, infrastructure as storage”. One contribution focused on storage to stabilise the grids adding the perspective "Using AI for optimal system level storage flexibility and Management at all time scales and geographies”. Moreover, two additional clusters were created based on project ideas, namely "smart autonomous microgrids for local communities” and "sector coupling with hydrogen as energy carrier”.
Ingolf Schädler, Deputy Director General Innovation and Technology, Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology
Robert Andren, Director-General, Swedish Energy Agency |
Michael Hübner, Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology |
Sanjay Bajpai, Head Technology Mission Division, Energy, Water and all others, Government of India
Peter Vach, Policy Officer, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy |
Yibo Wang, Chinese Academy Of Science |
Aziz Rabbah, Minister of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development, Morocco |
Theresia Vogel, Managing Director, Climate and Energy Fund of the Austrian Federal Government
Josephine Bahr Ljungdell, Director of Int. Affairs, Swedish Energy Agency |
Morag Clark, Scottish Enterprise, JPP Smart Energy Systems Coordination Team |
Rachid El Mrabet, IRESEN, Morocco |
Seth Schultz, Urban Breakthroughs, Global Covenant of Mayors on Science and Innovation
Adam Tuck, National Research Council Canada |
Participants of the Stakeholder Panel (from left to right: Moderator Ludwig Karg, B.A.U.M.; Christian Holter, Solid GmbH (Austria); Yehia Madkour, LEED AP BD+C (Canada); Tuula Mäkinen, Vice President, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (Finland); Jan Segerstam, Empower IM Oy (Finland); Jonas Eklind, CEO and president Azelio AB (Sweden)